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This page is mine own handpicked collection of favoured online realms.
A blend of wondrous resources, merry entertainment, and splendid connections!

My button (88x31px):

Please let me know if you add me to your site, so I can return the favor. Kindly do not hotlink.

Button Wall (favs)



Thou mayst follow mine spreadsheet, wherein I record all the links of Neocities that I visit and assess (with mine own comment).

Neocities favs Good Resources
Teppy's Layout Blinkie Maker 1
Pixel Moon Dust Blinke Maker 2
Pastel Hello A lot of Pixels
Lazer Bunny Animal Crossing Maker
Pomelo Dividers
Itinerae Create your Dream Room
Lost Love Several Resources 1 (JPN)
Clover Bell Several Resources 2 (JPN)
Petra Pixel Really useful links
Doq Meat More useful links
Soupie Make animated pixels
Love Berry Grid patterns for pixel art
ARTWORK Backgrounds
AppleDust Several Resources 3
Caitsith Study Resources
Solaria Templates and Images
Beautiful Template
Sudoku Widget
Steps to make a Website