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I hath crafted these pixels with love! Behold and remember: I do this for mine own fun. I am no craftsman, nor do I profess to be a master.
Shouldst thou use them, kindly give credit—sharing is a noble act!

- I maketh mine pixels using http://pixilart.com/ or Libresprite. Update (21 dec 2024): I'm in love with Pixquare app!


- All of these pixels are under my rightful ownership and creation. Should you choose to make use of them, I kindly request that you provide due credit.
- Pray, do not assert these pixels as your own work. Proper acknowledgment is a courtesy I ask when these are utilized.
- Kindly refrain from altering, modifying, or redistributing these pixels without my clear and express consent.
- These works are not to be employed for any commercial endeavors unless you have sought and obtained my approval beforehand.
- These pixels are intended strictly for personal use, save where otherwise explicitly stated.
- By availing yourself of these creations, you do hereby agree to abide by the terms and conditions as set forth herein.


Ps: Hover over the image to see the example.

Small balls








Bob Ross Dwight - The Office Britney Spears

Britney Spears
Britney Spears

Pixel Clubs

Kitty Friends

Teacup Afternoon

Hold my Hand

The Kindness Rocks

Transparent PNG Collection

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